22nd Street Draft Bold Vision Survey
The reGENERATE Vision will guide change over the coming decades as the neighbourhood around the 22nd Street SkyTrain Station grows to become a transit-oriented, climate-friendly neighbourhood where everyone can thrive. The neighbourhood is envisioned as a complete, connected, and vibrant community centred on the transit hub.
The Vision is informed by community input, inspired by proposals and themes from innovative submissions to the reGENERATE Ideas Challenge, and in alignment with Council’s Strategic Priorities Plan and the new Provincial transit oriented development area regulations. The Vision is also informed by priorities expressed by local First Nations.
The emerging Vision is made up of eight Big Moves:
1. Transit Village | |
2. Housing Capacity and Choice | |
3. Streets for People | |
4. Green Networks | |
5. Coast Salish Cultural Contributions | |
6. Social Connections | |
7. Climate Friendly Buildings | |
8. Fiscally Responsible Approach |
Each Move includes a series of strategies that help guide decisions on land use and development in the area, as well as how the City can serve the neighbourhood better. The Vision will be used as a reference for City staff, Council, industry professionals, and residents when considering the future of the neighbourhood. Click here to read the full draft Vision.
Click through to share your thoughts on the proposed Big Moves and highlights of the strategies to achieve them. Your input will be used to refine the Vision, which is planned to be considered for endorsement by Council by the end of the year.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will be open until end of day on September 30.
Prefer to complete the survey in a different language? Click the Select Language button at the top right of the page, and choose your language. The survey, page content, and all other feedback tools will be translated. We are also happy to offer additional support to complete the survey. Please contact us at engage@newwestcity.ca with requests.