441 Fader Street
Consultation has concluded
New infill dwelling at the rear of the property depicted in green; 1930 heritage cottage-style house at the front of the property
Project Update, November 2023: A Public Hearing was held on November 27, 2023, after which Council supported the application for a Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Heritage Designation.
Click here to view the Public Hearing and Council meeting recordings from November 27.
Click here to read the Council package and all public correspondence received for the Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Heritage Designation.
What's being proposed?
A Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) application has been received for 441 Fader Street in the Sapperton neighbourhood. This project would retain a 1930 heritage house and see the construction of a new infill house fronting Major Street. The infill house would include a rental secondary suite.
The heritage house would have a density of 0.28 floor space ratio (FSR) and the infill house 0.39 FSR. The project’s combined total density would be 0.67 FSR, which would result in 268 sq. ft. (24.9 sq. m.) more than permitted by the site’s current zoning. HRA applications allow the City to supersede local zoning regulations and provide non-financial incentives to make it viable to conserve and retain the heritage building.
A compact parking space for each unit (a total of three parking spots) would be included on the property and accessed from the rear lane, meeting zone requirements.
Five on-site trees are proposed for removal, including two common laurel, one common holly, one hawthorn, and one common cherry. Additionally, two city trees are proposed for removal, including one hawthorn and one maple. The City’s Tree Protection Bylaw expects that trees be replanted on the property at a 2:1 ratio (2 new trees for each removed tree). If the required number of replacement trees do not fit on site, some may be “cash-in-lieu”, with the money used to replant trees in public spaces throughout the city.
A strata would be established for the existing heritage house and new infill house, enabling each to be independently owned. This stratification and the higher density are the primary Zoning Bylaw relaxations proposed through the HRA. Some additional relaxations are required, including the rear setback for the infill house, and to allow the compact parking spaces. Additionally, the existing lot size (5,106.3 sq. ft.), which is below the minimum required in the zone, would be made consistent (normalized) with this application. In exchange, the 1930 house would be restored, and legally protected through a Heritage Designation Bylaw and listed on the City’s Heritage Register.
Click here to view drawings of the proposed development.
How can I engage?
There have been multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process included applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process has been iterative and revisions were considered, based on consultation feedback, throughout the process.
A Public Hearing was held on November 27, 2023 after which Council voted to support the application. All opportunities for engagement with this application are now complete.
Applicant-led Consultation
Applicant-led consultation took place in February and March 2023 and included an online survey, virtual open house, and project website. The Sapperton Residents Association as well as residents within 100 m. (328 ft.) of the project were notified of opportunities to submit feedback. A total of 16 community members attended the virtual open house, and 44 survey submissions and no emails were received by the applicant.
What We Heard
During the applicant-led consultation, a total of 44 survey responses were received. General feedback and questions revolved largely around the proposed housing form; overall height and density; privacy and shadowing; parking and traffic impacts. The Applicant-Led Consultation Summary and Responses Report includes a description of the consultation process and all feedback received.
Applicant Response and Revisions
The applicant has made several changes to their proposal in light of feedback including:
- commissioning a shadow study to determine shadowing on neighbouring property; and
- frosting upper floor windows on the infill house that may have overlook into the neighbouring property.
For a full list of revisions please see the Applicant-Led Consultation Summary and Responses Report.
This proposal will go before Council at a Public Hearing on November 27, 2023. All feedback at this stage must be part of the Public Hearing process. Please provide your feedback through one of the Public Hearing options.