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Consultation has concluded
Project Update, November 2021: At its November 1, 2021 meeting, New Westminster City Council adopted a Zoning Amendment Bylaw for 733 Thirteenth Street. Click here to view the Council meeting recording and access the report.
What's being proposed?
A rezoning application has been received in order to allow conversion of the existing single detached house at 733 Thirteenth Street for use as a licensed group child care facility with up to 37 spaces.
The child care facility is proposed to include:
12 infant/toddler spaces (for children less than 36 months in age); and,
up to 25 three to five spaces (for children 30 months in age to school age).
The applicant, Precious Early Years, is proposing to relocate its existing child care operations from leased properties at 1209 Hamilton Street and 1210 Kingston Street to the new location they own at 733 Thirteenth Street. Relocating from the leased properties to a property owned by the Precious Early Years will provide more stability for this business and the families that rely on the child care spaces.
How can I engage?
There are typically multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process, including applicant-led consultation, review by City committees and City-led engagement. The review process is iterative and revisions are considered, based on engagement feedback, throughout the process.
City-led engagement was open from March 22 - April 5, 2021. People had the opportunity to provide their feedback through email, mail, and a survey.
Project Update, November 2021: At its November 1, 2021 meeting, New Westminster City Council adopted a Zoning Amendment Bylaw for 733 Thirteenth Street. Click here to view the Council meeting recording and access the report.
What's being proposed?
A rezoning application has been received in order to allow conversion of the existing single detached house at 733 Thirteenth Street for use as a licensed group child care facility with up to 37 spaces.
The child care facility is proposed to include:
12 infant/toddler spaces (for children less than 36 months in age); and,
up to 25 three to five spaces (for children 30 months in age to school age).
The applicant, Precious Early Years, is proposing to relocate its existing child care operations from leased properties at 1209 Hamilton Street and 1210 Kingston Street to the new location they own at 733 Thirteenth Street. Relocating from the leased properties to a property owned by the Precious Early Years will provide more stability for this business and the families that rely on the child care spaces.
How can I engage?
There are typically multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process, including applicant-led consultation, review by City committees and City-led engagement. The review process is iterative and revisions are considered, based on engagement feedback, throughout the process.
City-led engagement was open from March 22 - April 5, 2021. People had the opportunity to provide their feedback through email, mail, and a survey.