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Community Survey

This survey is now closed - Thank you to everyone who participated in the online community survey for the Agnes Greenway. In spring 2021, we’ll share with you what we heard from the community and let you know about upcoming opportunities to provide input.

The City of New Westminster is creating a new 1.2-kilometre greenway along Agnes Street to support walking, wheeling, and cycling. The greenway will include a two-way protected bicycle lane for people cycling, improved sidewalks for people walking, and new landscaping, trees, and street furniture like benches. This project is part of the City of New Westminster’s commitment to sustainable transportation and climate emergency response. First envisioned 10 years ago in the Downtown Community Plan, the greenway has been prioritized in Council’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and the Downtown Transportation Plan, adopted by Council in August 2020. 

To launch the Agnes Street Greenway engagement process, the City has installed an interim greenway using temporary materials along a portion of the designated route. This temporary greenway allows the community to experience the greenway and provide valuable feedback that will be considered as the project team works through the design process. The City will make adjustments as needed to the interim greenway based on the feedback received. This feedback will also help inform the permanent greenway design. The interim Greenway officially opened in January 2021 and runs along Agnes Street from First Street in the east to Seventh Street in the west. A connection south on Sixth Street that will terminate at Carnarvon Street is currently being designed and will be installed prior to the closing of this survey.

For more information, please read the FAQ and Newsfeed on the project site. 

With the interim Greenway officially open, we want to hear what you think!

Please complete this survey by March 12, 2021. This deadline is subject the change. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Those who complete the survey will be entered to win one of three prizes! Prizes include gift cards to the Running Room, Cap's Bicycle Shop, and TransLink. You will be asked to opt in to the prize draw at the end of the survey in order to be entered in the draw.