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Project update, February 22, 2025: The online survey is now open! Click here or scroll down to access the survey. The survey deadline is March 9.

What's Happening?

When it comes to housing, there’s a lot on the go!

Governments of all levels across Canada are working to tackle the housing crisis. Here in New Westminster, the City is continuing to advance Council’s Strategic Priorities Plan to clear the way for all types of new homes needed today and in the future. Together, we are working hard towards more and better housing for all.

There are several bylaws and policy tools the City uses to enable housing development. Currently, the City is making updates to our Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. These are the primary regulations for what type of housing (e.g. apartment, townhouse, or duplex) is allowed where, and how big or tall it is allowed to be. The coming changes will impact many properties in the city through one of the following initiatives:

Transit Oriented Development Areas: The Province has identified five transit-oriented development areas in New Westminster at 22nd Street, New Westminster, Columbia, Sapperton, and Braid SkyTrain stations. These areas are now required to be designated for greater density.
Townhouses: Today, townhouses are allowed in the city in limited locations and when approved by City Council through a rezoning application. In an effort to see more townhouses built, we’re exploring more locations and reduced development approvals processes.
Infill housing: This initiative explores allowing multiplexes of up to six units to be built on properties in the city that currently allow houses, suites, and laneway houses.
Non-profit affordable housing: The goal of this program is to reduce barriers to building non-profit housing providers to build affordable rental housing by streamlining development approvals processes.

Several of the initiatives above are part of the City’s participation in the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Accelerator Fund. The Province of British Columbia has also made significant changes to housing legislation, impacting how local governments operate when it comes to reviewing development applications. The City is required to meet timelines related to both. Learn more about how senior government is shaping housing in our city by clicking through the links.

Right now, the City is not making changes to housing regulations in Queensborough because more research is needed on infrastructure like water and sewer systems to see if the area can support more housing. The Province has given the City an extension until May 2029 to complete this research before making any decisions. The City will consult with residents before any changes in Queensborough are finalized.

Let’s talk about it!

Housing is important and lots of changes are coming in New Westminster, so let’s talk about it! Our goals at this stage of work are to:

  1. Help everyone understand these changes and new programs related to housing: where they come from, how they work, and why they are being made
  2. Hear your questions, concerns, and hopes for the future of housing in New Westminster
  3. Seek your feedback on proposed locations, types, and regulations for the different housing types we’re working on

The feedback received from our community conversations will help shape changes to our Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw related to location, type, and process for housing options in our city, ranging from duplexes through apartment towers.

Engagement Opportunities

Learn more and talk with us about housing in New Westminster! All opportunities below provide the same information and ask the same questions, so you can participate in the way that works best for you.

🎪 Drop in at an in-person open house

Stop by anytime during one of these events to talk with staff. Stay for as long or as little as you like. All events will have the same information and resources, questions for your input, a kids’ booth, and light refreshments.

  1. Saturday, March 1 | 1:00-4:00 pm, Sapperton Pensioners Community Hall

  2. Wednesday, March 5 | 5:30-8:30 pm, Century House

  3. Saturday, March 8 | 1:00-4:00 pm, Qayqayt Elementary School Gym

💻 Join us for an online event

City staff will present information and ask questions for your input in an online format. The event will start at 11:30 am with a quick introductory presentation, but you can still jump on at any time to learn about the four housing initiatives and provide feedback.

Thursday, March 6 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, online via Zoom - Click Here to Register

📋 Fill out our survey

Provide your input through a series of online questions about housing types, locations, and regulations. The survey will provide the core information you need to answer the questions.

The survey is open until end of day on Sunday, March 9.

Project update, February 22, 2025: The online survey is now open! Click here or scroll down to access the survey. The survey deadline is March 9.

What's Happening?

When it comes to housing, there’s a lot on the go!

Governments of all levels across Canada are working to tackle the housing crisis. Here in New Westminster, the City is continuing to advance Council’s Strategic Priorities Plan to clear the way for all types of new homes needed today and in the future. Together, we are working hard towards more and better housing for all.

There are several bylaws and policy tools the City uses to enable housing development. Currently, the City is making updates to our Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. These are the primary regulations for what type of housing (e.g. apartment, townhouse, or duplex) is allowed where, and how big or tall it is allowed to be. The coming changes will impact many properties in the city through one of the following initiatives:

Transit Oriented Development Areas: The Province has identified five transit-oriented development areas in New Westminster at 22nd Street, New Westminster, Columbia, Sapperton, and Braid SkyTrain stations. These areas are now required to be designated for greater density.
Townhouses: Today, townhouses are allowed in the city in limited locations and when approved by City Council through a rezoning application. In an effort to see more townhouses built, we’re exploring more locations and reduced development approvals processes.
Infill housing: This initiative explores allowing multiplexes of up to six units to be built on properties in the city that currently allow houses, suites, and laneway houses.
Non-profit affordable housing: The goal of this program is to reduce barriers to building non-profit housing providers to build affordable rental housing by streamlining development approvals processes.

Several of the initiatives above are part of the City’s participation in the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Accelerator Fund. The Province of British Columbia has also made significant changes to housing legislation, impacting how local governments operate when it comes to reviewing development applications. The City is required to meet timelines related to both. Learn more about how senior government is shaping housing in our city by clicking through the links.

Right now, the City is not making changes to housing regulations in Queensborough because more research is needed on infrastructure like water and sewer systems to see if the area can support more housing. The Province has given the City an extension until May 2029 to complete this research before making any decisions. The City will consult with residents before any changes in Queensborough are finalized.

Let’s talk about it!

Housing is important and lots of changes are coming in New Westminster, so let’s talk about it! Our goals at this stage of work are to:

  1. Help everyone understand these changes and new programs related to housing: where they come from, how they work, and why they are being made
  2. Hear your questions, concerns, and hopes for the future of housing in New Westminster
  3. Seek your feedback on proposed locations, types, and regulations for the different housing types we’re working on

The feedback received from our community conversations will help shape changes to our Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw related to location, type, and process for housing options in our city, ranging from duplexes through apartment towers.

Engagement Opportunities

Learn more and talk with us about housing in New Westminster! All opportunities below provide the same information and ask the same questions, so you can participate in the way that works best for you.

🎪 Drop in at an in-person open house

Stop by anytime during one of these events to talk with staff. Stay for as long or as little as you like. All events will have the same information and resources, questions for your input, a kids’ booth, and light refreshments.

  1. Saturday, March 1 | 1:00-4:00 pm, Sapperton Pensioners Community Hall

  2. Wednesday, March 5 | 5:30-8:30 pm, Century House

  3. Saturday, March 8 | 1:00-4:00 pm, Qayqayt Elementary School Gym

💻 Join us for an online event

City staff will present information and ask questions for your input in an online format. The event will start at 11:30 am with a quick introductory presentation, but you can still jump on at any time to learn about the four housing initiatives and provide feedback.

Thursday, March 6 | 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, online via Zoom - Click Here to Register

📋 Fill out our survey

Provide your input through a series of online questions about housing types, locations, and regulations. The survey will provide the core information you need to answer the questions.

The survey is open until end of day on Sunday, March 9.

Page last updated: 22 Feb 2025, 02:32 PM