Queensborough Transportation Plan

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Consultation has concluded

An intersection in Queensborough with a crosswalk, bike lane with green paint on the pavement, and Translink bus.

Project Update, June 2024: The Queensborough Transportation Plan has been finalized and endorsed by City Council. Click here to review the plan. 

Using the input collected during Round 2 Engagement, staff reviewed the preferred options and developed directions and actions that make up the transportation plan. The plan was presented to City Council on May 27. Click here to access a recording of the Council meeting. Staff have now begun implementation of the plan, with progress depending on funding and staffing resources.

Project Update, December 20, 2023: Thank you for your participation in Round 2 Engagement on the Queensborough Transportation Plan. The Engagement Summary Report is now available

Engagement on this project has now concluded. Using the input collected, staff will review the preferred options identified through the second round of engagement and recommended project changes based on the collective community input. The Plan will be finalized in early 2024 and presented to City Council, and shared here in the Spring.

Project Update, October 30, 2023: Round 2 of engagement has now concluded. Many thanks to all those who shared input through our drop-in sessions, at our pop-ups, on the moderated discussion forum, and through our survey. Round 2 engagement was open from September 26 through October 29, 2023. We appreciate your time and valuable feedback!

The project team is now working on reporting back what we heard through engagement, and then incorporating those themes into the draft Queensborough Transportation Plan. In the meantime, here are some preliminary survey results. 

Project Update, September 25, 2023: Round 2 Engagement on Now

During the first round of community engagement for the Queensborough Transportation Plan project, we heard what you feel is working well and where there are challenges with transportation in Queensborough.

Based on what we heard in the first round of engagement, the project team has created a series of guiding principles, strategic themes, and priority projects for potential inclusion in the final Plan.

Click here to read more about:

  • the proposed priority routes for walking, cycling and rolling,
  • priority bus stops for new amenities (such as benches, shelters, etc.)
  • the proposed priority intersections and streets for improvements,
  • network options,
  • and future projects.

In September and October 2023, the project team is hosting several engagement activities to encourage community members and interest holders to review the draft priority locations and potential projects and provide feedback.

How Can I Engage?

We are excited to share the proposed projects with you and hear your feedback! Your input will help ensure that the final Plan accurately reflects Queensborough’s unique context and the community’s priorities.

  • Online Survey – concluded
  • Discussion Forum – concluded (but you can still read all the contributed comments!)
  • Drop-In Engagement Sessions (held October 12 and 14, 2023)

Project Update: May 31, 2023: The Existing Conditions Report, which provides an assessment of current conditions of the Queensborough transportation network, is now available. The report provides findings from a review of existing transportation infrastructure and travel patterns, which will help in identifying opportunities for the transportation plan. Click here for a short summary of what’s in the report, and highlights of the findings. Click here to access the full report.

Project Update, January 25, 2023: The Round 1 engagement results are in! Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey, shared their location-specific feedback through the map tool, and attended the pop-ups. A summary of the engagement results is now available. Click here to read the Round One Engagement Summary Report.

What's Happening?

The City of New Westminster is developing a Transportation Plan for the Queensborough neighbourhood. Queensborough is a vibrant, growing community in our city. Developing the Transportation Plan is an opportunity to identify and fill the gaps in our transportation network. The Plan will guide the prioritization of how the City spends money on transportation initiatives in the community. The goal is to ensure the safe, sustainable, and accessible movement of people and goods is supported. The Plan will build on existing local and regional plans, including the Queensborough Community Plan and the City’s Master Transportation Plan.

The City is committed to developing a transportation network that encourages and prioritizes sustainable transportation, such as walking and riding transit. In alignment with the City’s Seven Bold Steps for Climate Action, strategies and recommendations in the Transportation Plan will help make walking, cycling, and transit in Queensborough more convenient and accessible for residents and visitors.

The Transportation Plan will include strategies, actions, and projects to improve transportation in Queensborough over the short, medium, and long term. It is important we hear from as many community members as possible so that we can prioritize the improvements that are most pressing first. Over the next 12 months, there will be several opportunities for community members to participate in the planning process and provide input, including online and in-person consultation.

Project Update, June 2024: The Queensborough Transportation Plan has been finalized and endorsed by City Council. Click here to review the plan. 

Using the input collected during Round 2 Engagement, staff reviewed the preferred options and developed directions and actions that make up the transportation plan. The plan was presented to City Council on May 27. Click here to access a recording of the Council meeting. Staff have now begun implementation of the plan, with progress depending on funding and staffing resources.

Project Update, December 20, 2023: Thank you for your participation in Round 2 Engagement on the Queensborough Transportation Plan. The Engagement Summary Report is now available

Engagement on this project has now concluded. Using the input collected, staff will review the preferred options identified through the second round of engagement and recommended project changes based on the collective community input. The Plan will be finalized in early 2024 and presented to City Council, and shared here in the Spring.

Project Update, October 30, 2023: Round 2 of engagement has now concluded. Many thanks to all those who shared input through our drop-in sessions, at our pop-ups, on the moderated discussion forum, and through our survey. Round 2 engagement was open from September 26 through October 29, 2023. We appreciate your time and valuable feedback!

The project team is now working on reporting back what we heard through engagement, and then incorporating those themes into the draft Queensborough Transportation Plan. In the meantime, here are some preliminary survey results. 

Project Update, September 25, 2023: Round 2 Engagement on Now

During the first round of community engagement for the Queensborough Transportation Plan project, we heard what you feel is working well and where there are challenges with transportation in Queensborough.

Based on what we heard in the first round of engagement, the project team has created a series of guiding principles, strategic themes, and priority projects for potential inclusion in the final Plan.

Click here to read more about:

  • the proposed priority routes for walking, cycling and rolling,
  • priority bus stops for new amenities (such as benches, shelters, etc.)
  • the proposed priority intersections and streets for improvements,
  • network options,
  • and future projects.

In September and October 2023, the project team is hosting several engagement activities to encourage community members and interest holders to review the draft priority locations and potential projects and provide feedback.

How Can I Engage?

We are excited to share the proposed projects with you and hear your feedback! Your input will help ensure that the final Plan accurately reflects Queensborough’s unique context and the community’s priorities.

  • Online Survey – concluded
  • Discussion Forum – concluded (but you can still read all the contributed comments!)
  • Drop-In Engagement Sessions (held October 12 and 14, 2023)

Project Update: May 31, 2023: The Existing Conditions Report, which provides an assessment of current conditions of the Queensborough transportation network, is now available. The report provides findings from a review of existing transportation infrastructure and travel patterns, which will help in identifying opportunities for the transportation plan. Click here for a short summary of what’s in the report, and highlights of the findings. Click here to access the full report.

Project Update, January 25, 2023: The Round 1 engagement results are in! Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey, shared their location-specific feedback through the map tool, and attended the pop-ups. A summary of the engagement results is now available. Click here to read the Round One Engagement Summary Report.

What's Happening?

The City of New Westminster is developing a Transportation Plan for the Queensborough neighbourhood. Queensborough is a vibrant, growing community in our city. Developing the Transportation Plan is an opportunity to identify and fill the gaps in our transportation network. The Plan will guide the prioritization of how the City spends money on transportation initiatives in the community. The goal is to ensure the safe, sustainable, and accessible movement of people and goods is supported. The Plan will build on existing local and regional plans, including the Queensborough Community Plan and the City’s Master Transportation Plan.

The City is committed to developing a transportation network that encourages and prioritizes sustainable transportation, such as walking and riding transit. In alignment with the City’s Seven Bold Steps for Climate Action, strategies and recommendations in the Transportation Plan will help make walking, cycling, and transit in Queensborough more convenient and accessible for residents and visitors.

The Transportation Plan will include strategies, actions, and projects to improve transportation in Queensborough over the short, medium, and long term. It is important we hear from as many community members as possible so that we can prioritize the improvements that are most pressing first. Over the next 12 months, there will be several opportunities for community members to participate in the planning process and provide input, including online and in-person consultation.

Consultation has concluded
  • Existing Conditions Report

    Share Existing Conditions Report on Facebook Share Existing Conditions Report on Twitter Share Existing Conditions Report on Linkedin Email Existing Conditions Report link

    The Existing Conditions Report provides an assessment of the current conditions of the Queensborough transportation network.

    The report includes:

    • Community Profile – summary of existing land uses and existing and projected population of Queensborough
    • Travel Patterns and Mode Share – summary of trip characteristics such as travel destinations and by what transportation mode those trips are taken.
    • Assessment of Existing Conditions – summary of collision data, goods movement truck vehicle volumes, parking, Q to Q Ferry operations, and new mobility and emerging technologies.
    • Network Needs – provides an inventory of the existing walking, cycling, transit and road networks

    Report Finding Highlights

    • Based on 2021 Census data, Queensborough-based commuters were less likely to commute to a workplace in New Westminster (16%) than resident commuters from other areas of New West (23%).
    • 38% of streets in Queensborough have pedestrian facilities on both sides (excluding highways under Provincial jurisdiction).
    • 59% of streets identified as Major Road Network, which provide intra-regional access including the movement of goods, have sidewalks on one or both sides.
    • 82% of collector streets, which collect traffic from local streets and provide access to streets with higher volume of vehicles (such as the Major Road Network), have sidewalks on one or both sides.
    • 58% of local streets, which primarily provide access to residential areas, have sidewalks on one or both sides.
    • There were 13% more collisions per capita in Queensborough than New Westminster as a whole.
    • There were 30% fewer collisions per capita with pedestrians in Queensborough than New Westminster as a whole.
    • Incomplete sidewalk and cycle path networks were the most commonly identified concerns for pedestrians and cyclists in Queensborough.
    • Low frequency of transit, crowded buses, and issues with unpredictable and uncompetitive travel times were the most frequently cited barriers to taking transit.
    • Traffic congestion and goods movement were the most commonly cited concerns for drivers in Queensborough.

    Click here to access the full report.

  • Round 1 Engagement Results

    Share Round 1 Engagement Results on Facebook Share Round 1 Engagement Results on Twitter Share Round 1 Engagement Results on Linkedin Email Round 1 Engagement Results link

    Project Update, January 25, 2023: The results are in! Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey, shared their location-specific feedback through the map tool, and attended the pop-ups. A summary of the engagement results is now available. Click here to read the Round One Engagment Summary Report, or keep reading below for a few key findings.

    Round 1 Engagement feedbck was collected through:

    • A community survey on your current transportation habits and experiences in Queensborough.
    • Location-specific feedback was collected by placing a pin on the map.
    • Transportation staff also held two pop-ups in person in November 2022 at the intersection of Howes St and Ewen Ave, and at Queensborough Community Centre.

    The focus for this round of engagement was to understand what’s currently working well and where there are challenges with transportation in Queensborough. Results from these activities will be used by the project team to develop draft themes, strategic directions, and targets for increasing the number of trips made by walking, cycling, and transit that will be included in the Queensborough Transportation Plan. Click here to read the Engagement Round One Summary Report!

    Cluster areas (shown by capital letters) have been identified from the location-specific responses collected through the mapping tool. Check out the Engagement Summary Report to see what was said at each cluster area.

    Survey results showing the most important issues the Queensborough Transportation Plan should address.