Sports Courts Usage Survey
Complete our survey and have your say on how you think sports courts should be used. Your answers will help us in understanding the needs of our community and guide our planning processes. Survey input will be used to support building a schedule that can work towards satisfying users’ needs, better utilize and maximize available court space, and improve court experiences and enjoyment of sports play for all user groups.
We need the community’s input to guide our planning processes to prepare the indoor court facilities, staff and program schedules for Summer 2022.
The survey is open through the end-of-day March 22, 2022. The survey should take about 5-10 minutes to complete.
Prefer to complete the survey in a different language? Click the Select Language button at the top right of the page, and choose your language. The survey, page content, and all other feedback tools will be translated. We are also happy to offer additional support to complete the survey. Please contact us at with requests.