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Community Survey

This project will reimagine Sixth Street between Sixth Avenue and Belmont Street. Proposed features include widened sidewalks, improved lighting, more seating, temporary road closures for events, and a “pedestrian scramble” where all vehicle traffic would be stopped at 6th Street and 6th Avenue to allow pedestrians to cross all-ways at once.

Your input will help us to refine and finalize the council-approved design concept in the Uptown Streetscape Vision. The purpose of this survey is to collect your feedback about:

  • Your level of support for each of the key features, and which features are most important to you. 
  • How well you think the design will achieve important outcomes, such as inclusivity, vibrancy and animation, provision of public spaces and amenities, flexibility of non-vehicle uses, and a positive look and feel. 
  • Your overall level of support for the design concept.

The survey is estimated to take 10 minutes to complete and will be open until November 28, 2021.

Prefer to complete the survey in a different language? Click the Select Language button at the top right of the page, and choose your language. The survey, page content and all other feedback tools will be translated. We are also happy to offer additional support to complete the survey. Please contact us at with requests.