1135 Salter Street

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Consultation has concluded

Rendering of the proposed development, which includes 45 ground-oriented townhouse units.

Project Update, January 30, 2025: A Public Hearing on this proposal was held on January 27, 2025, after which Council supported the application to change the Official Community Plan and Zoning.

Click here to view the Public Hearing and Council meeting recordings from January 27.

What's being proposed?

Applications for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Development Variance Permit, and Development Permit have been received for 1135 Salter Street in the Queensborough neighbourhood. The proposed development includes 45 two- and three-bedroom townhouse units, with ground-level exterior entrances. The proposed development is organized into eight separate buildings along a shared private road. The approximate overall floor space ratio (FSR) is 0.793. Approximately 10% of the site area is proposed as dedicated park space.

The development includes 91 parking spaces:

  • 50 standard spaces allowing vehicles to park side-by-side in ground-level garages,
  • 32 “tandem” spaces in ground-level garages, where two cars (from the same unit) park front-to-back, and
  • nine surface visitor spaces.

Long-term bicycle storage spaces for each unit and short-term bicycle spaces for visitors are also provided.

The applicant hosted a virtual Open House on September 22, 2022. Written feedback was accepted until October 2, 2022. Based on feedback received during the application and committee review process, the applicant has worked with the City to update their proposal.

Click here to view revised drawings of the proposed development. You can also review drawings of the original proposal by clicking here.

How can I engage?

The final opportunity for feedback on this application before Council decides whether to approve it will be at the January 27, 2025 Public Hearing. You can submit your comments for Council as part of the Public Hearing process through the comment form below.

There have been multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process included applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process is iterative and revisions are considered, based on consultation feedback throughout the process.

A Public Hearing was held on January 27, 2025, after which Council voted to support the application. All opportunities for engagement with this application are now complete.

Applicant-led Engagement Findings

The applicant-led consultation took place from September 8 to October 2, 2022. The applicant hosted a virtual Open House with a live Q&A session through Zoom on September 22, 2022 and created a project website with a comment feature to gather public feedback. The applicant’s consultation summary report, including the comments received, can be found here.

What We Heard

Three community members attended the open house and two respondents submitted feedback through the project website. Survey feedback was mostly related to:

  • Support for new townhouses and more housing; and
  • Mix of support and neutral feedback in terms of building design, tandem parking, and direct unit accesses.

Applicant Response and Revisions

In response to City and committee feedback to date, some of the key changes made by the applicant to their proposal include:

  • Redesigning the central amenity space and play area between Buildings 3 and 4, and accommodating an additional common seating area between Buildings 5 and 6 by relocating one of the visitor parking spaces;
  • Revising the architectural expression of the proposed buildings for better consistency with the Development Permit Area guidelines. The use of additional colour has been proposed, including for the elevations that are oriented toward the central drive aisle;
  • Adjusting the species and quantity of proposed on-site trees to reduce potential conflict and maintenance issues in the future.

Project Update, January 30, 2025: A Public Hearing on this proposal was held on January 27, 2025, after which Council supported the application to change the Official Community Plan and Zoning.

Click here to view the Public Hearing and Council meeting recordings from January 27.

What's being proposed?

Applications for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Development Variance Permit, and Development Permit have been received for 1135 Salter Street in the Queensborough neighbourhood. The proposed development includes 45 two- and three-bedroom townhouse units, with ground-level exterior entrances. The proposed development is organized into eight separate buildings along a shared private road. The approximate overall floor space ratio (FSR) is 0.793. Approximately 10% of the site area is proposed as dedicated park space.

The development includes 91 parking spaces:

  • 50 standard spaces allowing vehicles to park side-by-side in ground-level garages,
  • 32 “tandem” spaces in ground-level garages, where two cars (from the same unit) park front-to-back, and
  • nine surface visitor spaces.

Long-term bicycle storage spaces for each unit and short-term bicycle spaces for visitors are also provided.

The applicant hosted a virtual Open House on September 22, 2022. Written feedback was accepted until October 2, 2022. Based on feedback received during the application and committee review process, the applicant has worked with the City to update their proposal.

Click here to view revised drawings of the proposed development. You can also review drawings of the original proposal by clicking here.

How can I engage?

The final opportunity for feedback on this application before Council decides whether to approve it will be at the January 27, 2025 Public Hearing. You can submit your comments for Council as part of the Public Hearing process through the comment form below.

There have been multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process included applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process is iterative and revisions are considered, based on consultation feedback throughout the process.

A Public Hearing was held on January 27, 2025, after which Council voted to support the application. All opportunities for engagement with this application are now complete.

Applicant-led Engagement Findings

The applicant-led consultation took place from September 8 to October 2, 2022. The applicant hosted a virtual Open House with a live Q&A session through Zoom on September 22, 2022 and created a project website with a comment feature to gather public feedback. The applicant’s consultation summary report, including the comments received, can be found here.

What We Heard

Three community members attended the open house and two respondents submitted feedback through the project website. Survey feedback was mostly related to:

  • Support for new townhouses and more housing; and
  • Mix of support and neutral feedback in terms of building design, tandem parking, and direct unit accesses.

Applicant Response and Revisions

In response to City and committee feedback to date, some of the key changes made by the applicant to their proposal include:

  • Redesigning the central amenity space and play area between Buildings 3 and 4, and accommodating an additional common seating area between Buildings 5 and 6 by relocating one of the visitor parking spaces;
  • Revising the architectural expression of the proposed buildings for better consistency with the Development Permit Area guidelines. The use of additional colour has been proposed, including for the elevations that are oriented toward the central drive aisle;
  • Adjusting the species and quantity of proposed on-site trees to reduce potential conflict and maintenance issues in the future.