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What's being proposed?
Rezoning, Development Permit, and Development Variance Permit applications have been received to develop a five-unit infill townhouse at 1418 Sixth Avenue. The proposal includes side-by-side townhouse units of three storeys each. Each unit is approximately 130 square metres (1,400 square feet) with three bedrooms. Each unit would have a ground-level patio, and a shared amenity area is also proposed. The development would provide six off-street parking stalls – five for residents, and one visitor/loading space. Five long-term bike parking spaces would also be provided.
Click here to view drawings of the proposed development.
How can I engage?
Upcoming City-led consultation is the main opportunity for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. Revisions to the proposal will be considered based on engagement feedback. The process will include City-led consultation, followed by revisions based on the feedback, and presentation to Council for bylaw consideration.
City-Led Consultation
City-led consultation is now open and will remain open until February 6, 2025. Community members are invited to provide feedback on the proposal through a short survey on this page. Scroll down or click here to access the survey.
What's being proposed?
Rezoning, Development Permit, and Development Variance Permit applications have been received to develop a five-unit infill townhouse at 1418 Sixth Avenue. The proposal includes side-by-side townhouse units of three storeys each. Each unit is approximately 130 square metres (1,400 square feet) with three bedrooms. Each unit would have a ground-level patio, and a shared amenity area is also proposed. The development would provide six off-street parking stalls – five for residents, and one visitor/loading space. Five long-term bike parking spaces would also be provided.
Click here to view drawings of the proposed development.
How can I engage?
Upcoming City-led consultation is the main opportunity for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. Revisions to the proposal will be considered based on engagement feedback. The process will include City-led consultation, followed by revisions based on the feedback, and presentation to Council for bylaw consideration.
City-Led Consultation
City-led consultation is now open and will remain open until February 6, 2025. Community members are invited to provide feedback on the proposal through a short survey on this page. Scroll down or click here to access the survey.