1923 & 1927 Marine Way

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Consultation has concluded

Rendering of 20-storey academic and student housing building at 808 Royal Avenue

Project Update: At its meeting on July 8, 2024, New Westminster City Council gave three readings to the Zoning Amendment Bylaw. Click here to access the report to Council.

What's being proposed?

A rezoning application has been received to develop an affordable housing project at 1923 & 1927 Marine Way. The subject site is located within the 22nd Street Station Transit Oriented Development Area (land that is within 800 metres of a SkyTrain station). The project has been selected by BC Housing to receive funding through the Community Housing Fund.

The proposal’s preliminary concept design includes approximately 90 residential rental units within a six-storey building (appearing as four storeys from the lane on the north side due to grade change). Vehicle and long-term bicycle parking would be provided in a single-level parkade with access proposed from the lane to the west. The building would be owned and operated by Aunt Leah’s, and the units are intended for youth and young mothers aging out of the foster care system, helping them transition to independent living.

This rezoning application aligns with the intent of the new Affordable Housing Acceleration (AHA) Program, which aims to pre-zone sites like this one, in order to clear the way for senior government partnership and funding to build affordable housing in New Westminster, toward addressing our community’s need. To facilitate funding timelines and, as the proposal is consistent with the AHA Program, staff is supportive of advancing with a rezoning at this time.

The site would be rezoned from “Neighbourhood Single Detached Residential Districts (NR-2)” to a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) zone. The CD zone will allow for building height and density consistent with new Provincial legislation for Transit Oriented Development Areas.

Detailed design drawings would be developed and reviewed during the Development Permit process following the rezoning stage. However, preliminary concept drawings of the proposed development can be viewed here.

Next Steps

Council will consider giving First, Second, and Third Readings to this rezoning application at its meeting on July 8, 2024. The Council meeting is open to public attendance, either in person or online. A copy of the Council report is available here.

Project Update: At its meeting on July 8, 2024, New Westminster City Council gave three readings to the Zoning Amendment Bylaw. Click here to access the report to Council.

What's being proposed?

A rezoning application has been received to develop an affordable housing project at 1923 & 1927 Marine Way. The subject site is located within the 22nd Street Station Transit Oriented Development Area (land that is within 800 metres of a SkyTrain station). The project has been selected by BC Housing to receive funding through the Community Housing Fund.

The proposal’s preliminary concept design includes approximately 90 residential rental units within a six-storey building (appearing as four storeys from the lane on the north side due to grade change). Vehicle and long-term bicycle parking would be provided in a single-level parkade with access proposed from the lane to the west. The building would be owned and operated by Aunt Leah’s, and the units are intended for youth and young mothers aging out of the foster care system, helping them transition to independent living.

This rezoning application aligns with the intent of the new Affordable Housing Acceleration (AHA) Program, which aims to pre-zone sites like this one, in order to clear the way for senior government partnership and funding to build affordable housing in New Westminster, toward addressing our community’s need. To facilitate funding timelines and, as the proposal is consistent with the AHA Program, staff is supportive of advancing with a rezoning at this time.

The site would be rezoned from “Neighbourhood Single Detached Residential Districts (NR-2)” to a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) zone. The CD zone will allow for building height and density consistent with new Provincial legislation for Transit Oriented Development Areas.

Detailed design drawings would be developed and reviewed during the Development Permit process following the rezoning stage. However, preliminary concept drawings of the proposed development can be viewed here.

Next Steps

Council will consider giving First, Second, and Third Readings to this rezoning application at its meeting on July 8, 2024. The Council meeting is open to public attendance, either in person or online. A copy of the Council report is available here.

Consultation has concluded

Have a question about 1923 & 1927 Marine Way? Add it here and we will aim to reply within five business days. For more complex questions or multiple queries, the response process may require additional time as we prepare a comprehensive answer. In these cases, we will aim to get back to you within 10 business days and kindly request your patience as we do so. If we think your question would be of interest to others, we'll post your question and our response here. Thanks!