145-209 East Columbia Street

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Consultation has concluded

Rendering of six-storey mixed-use building proposed at 145-209 E Columbia

Project Update, February 27, 2024: At its meeting on February 26, 2024, Council gave three readings to the rezoning bylaw for this project. Click here to view a recording of this section of the meeting

What's being proposed?

Rezoning and Development Permit applications have been received to develop a six-storey, mixed-use building at 145-209 East Columbia Street. The proposal includes at-grade retail, second-storey office use, and 99 secured market rental housing units. The development would provide 197 off-street parking stalls, and 156 long-term and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces.

Click here to view the updated architectural drawings.

Click here to view the updated landscape drawings.

How can I engage?

There have been multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process included applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process has been iterative and revisions were considered, based on consultation feedback, throughout the process.

Three readings were held on February 26, 2024, after which Council voted to support the application. All opportunities for engagement with this application are now complete.

Project Update, February 27, 2024: At its meeting on February 26, 2024, Council gave three readings to the rezoning bylaw for this project. Click here to view a recording of this section of the meeting

What's being proposed?

Rezoning and Development Permit applications have been received to develop a six-storey, mixed-use building at 145-209 East Columbia Street. The proposal includes at-grade retail, second-storey office use, and 99 secured market rental housing units. The development would provide 197 off-street parking stalls, and 156 long-term and 19 short-term bicycle parking spaces.

Click here to view the updated architectural drawings.

Click here to view the updated landscape drawings.

How can I engage?

There have been multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process included applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process has been iterative and revisions were considered, based on consultation feedback, throughout the process.

Three readings were held on February 26, 2024, after which Council voted to support the application. All opportunities for engagement with this application are now complete.

Consultation has concluded

Have a question about 145-209 E Columbia? Add it here and we will aim to reply within five business days. For more complex questions or multiple queries, the response process may require additional time as we prepare a comprehensive answer. In these cases, we will aim to get back to you within 10 business days and kindly request your patience as we do so. If we think your question would be of interest to others, we'll post your question and our response here. Thanks!

  • Share Are there going to be apartments for sale once the construction begins? Or will it be only rentals? Thank you! on Facebook Share Are there going to be apartments for sale once the construction begins? Or will it be only rentals? Thank you! on Twitter Share Are there going to be apartments for sale once the construction begins? Or will it be only rentals? Thank you! on Linkedin Email Are there going to be apartments for sale once the construction begins? Or will it be only rentals? Thank you! link

    Are there going to be apartments for sale once the construction begins? Or will it be only rentals? Thank you!

    Gul asked about 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question. As part of this project, all of the proposed housing units would be secured as rental housing.

  • Share What is being done about off street parking in the surrounding area? Currently the 2 hour only areas are being used all day by construction workers and people walking to the skytrain, which is no doubt going to get worse with the addition of 100 rental units. Is the city going to change the 2 hour zone on Strand Ave to permit only? As this development offers on-site parking, the residents of 209 Columbia should not be able to purchase a city issued parking pass to park on the surrounding streets. on Facebook Share What is being done about off street parking in the surrounding area? Currently the 2 hour only areas are being used all day by construction workers and people walking to the skytrain, which is no doubt going to get worse with the addition of 100 rental units. Is the city going to change the 2 hour zone on Strand Ave to permit only? As this development offers on-site parking, the residents of 209 Columbia should not be able to purchase a city issued parking pass to park on the surrounding streets. on Twitter Share What is being done about off street parking in the surrounding area? Currently the 2 hour only areas are being used all day by construction workers and people walking to the skytrain, which is no doubt going to get worse with the addition of 100 rental units. Is the city going to change the 2 hour zone on Strand Ave to permit only? As this development offers on-site parking, the residents of 209 Columbia should not be able to purchase a city issued parking pass to park on the surrounding streets. on Linkedin Email What is being done about off street parking in the surrounding area? Currently the 2 hour only areas are being used all day by construction workers and people walking to the skytrain, which is no doubt going to get worse with the addition of 100 rental units. Is the city going to change the 2 hour zone on Strand Ave to permit only? As this development offers on-site parking, the residents of 209 Columbia should not be able to purchase a city issued parking pass to park on the surrounding streets. link

    What is being done about off street parking in the surrounding area? Currently the 2 hour only areas are being used all day by construction workers and people walking to the skytrain, which is no doubt going to get worse with the addition of 100 rental units. Is the city going to change the 2 hour zone on Strand Ave to permit only? As this development offers on-site parking, the residents of 209 Columbia should not be able to purchase a city issued parking pass to park on the surrounding streets.

    elizabeth jean asked about 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question. The proposed development is required to accommodate parking generated by the project on-site, and the proposed parking exceeds the City’s bylaw requirements. With respect to on-street parking, City staff will review curbside signage in accordance with City plans and policies following completion of the development, should it be approved by Council. Per the City’s current policies, residents of the proposed development would not be eligible for a resident parking permit.

  • Share Hi, is there any consideration of putting speed bumps on Stand Ave, or in the laneway? on Facebook Share Hi, is there any consideration of putting speed bumps on Stand Ave, or in the laneway? on Twitter Share Hi, is there any consideration of putting speed bumps on Stand Ave, or in the laneway? on Linkedin Email Hi, is there any consideration of putting speed bumps on Stand Ave, or in the laneway? link

    Hi, is there any consideration of putting speed bumps on Stand Ave, or in the laneway?

    D0dgy asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question. This application proposes parkade access from Alberta Street, and this is where residents, visitors, and commercial employees and patrons would access parking. As a result, traffic calming measures including speed humps and curb bulges have been concentrated along the project’s Alberta Street frontage, rather than on the lane or Strand Avenue frontages.  

  • Share Parking off Alberta street, is the city going to change the alinement to the underground parking at 209 Columbia street? as there is a (diverter-clutter) at the bottom of Alberta, furthermore will there be a sidewalk off the Alberta street, parallel the underground driveway to the back laneway, this is well used by the community. Noise mitigation , "roof top amenities" need acoustics to blunt the noise as this acts like a amphitheater up the landscape, furthermore this noise exists across the street from WestGroup roof top amenities in the summer a few times. The open house of Sept 27, no dimensions on the posters on display have to guess what the sizes be, this has to change with a second open house latter on with more realistic info. on Facebook Share Parking off Alberta street, is the city going to change the alinement to the underground parking at 209 Columbia street? as there is a (diverter-clutter) at the bottom of Alberta, furthermore will there be a sidewalk off the Alberta street, parallel the underground driveway to the back laneway, this is well used by the community. Noise mitigation , "roof top amenities" need acoustics to blunt the noise as this acts like a amphitheater up the landscape, furthermore this noise exists across the street from WestGroup roof top amenities in the summer a few times. The open house of Sept 27, no dimensions on the posters on display have to guess what the sizes be, this has to change with a second open house latter on with more realistic info. on Twitter Share Parking off Alberta street, is the city going to change the alinement to the underground parking at 209 Columbia street? as there is a (diverter-clutter) at the bottom of Alberta, furthermore will there be a sidewalk off the Alberta street, parallel the underground driveway to the back laneway, this is well used by the community. Noise mitigation , "roof top amenities" need acoustics to blunt the noise as this acts like a amphitheater up the landscape, furthermore this noise exists across the street from WestGroup roof top amenities in the summer a few times. The open house of Sept 27, no dimensions on the posters on display have to guess what the sizes be, this has to change with a second open house latter on with more realistic info. on Linkedin Email Parking off Alberta street, is the city going to change the alinement to the underground parking at 209 Columbia street? as there is a (diverter-clutter) at the bottom of Alberta, furthermore will there be a sidewalk off the Alberta street, parallel the underground driveway to the back laneway, this is well used by the community. Noise mitigation , "roof top amenities" need acoustics to blunt the noise as this acts like a amphitheater up the landscape, furthermore this noise exists across the street from WestGroup roof top amenities in the summer a few times. The open house of Sept 27, no dimensions on the posters on display have to guess what the sizes be, this has to change with a second open house latter on with more realistic info. link

    Parking off Alberta street, is the city going to change the alinement to the underground parking at 209 Columbia street? as there is a (diverter-clutter) at the bottom of Alberta, furthermore will there be a sidewalk off the Alberta street, parallel the underground driveway to the back laneway, this is well used by the community. Noise mitigation , "roof top amenities" need acoustics to blunt the noise as this acts like a amphitheater up the landscape, furthermore this noise exists across the street from WestGroup roof top amenities in the summer a few times. The open house of Sept 27, no dimensions on the posters on display have to guess what the sizes be, this has to change with a second open house latter on with more realistic info.

    314 Alberta street asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your questions. As part of the street improvements required for this project, left turns will be permitted from East Columbia St. onto Alberta St., via a proper left turn lane, and vice versa from Alberta St. onto East Columbia St. Speed humps will be installed, along with a “pinch point”, to help reduce speeds on Alberta St. A private pathway between the development site and 306/308 Alberta St. is not possible due to the limited size of the development site. 

    Regarding noise mitigation, the applicant has proposed a rooftop amenity that includes a small children’s play area and garden plots. These types of uses do not typically generate substantial noise. As with any activities in the city, excessive noise is restricted through the City’s Noise Bylaw, and enforced by bylaw enforcement officers.

    Thank you for your feedback regarding the public open house. If you would like to view the technical drawings for the project, they are available on the BeHeard project page under the Documents section, click here to review. While a second open house is not planned for this project, the City will be conducting a survey on Be Heard New West, tentatively scheduled for November. We encourage you to participate!