City-led Engagement Findings
The City-led engagement process took place from March 22 - April 5, 2021. Options for comment were provided through email, mail, and a survey. The feedback received has been reviewed by staff and will be considered by the applicant. No personal information provided in the feedback was publicly released. Staff will present the results of the City-led engagement to Council with a recommendation regarding whether or not to waive the Public Hearing requirement
What we Heard
During the City-led engagement, we received 6 survey responses. Of the total responses received, 4 were in support and 2 were not in support. There were two primary concerns raised. The first was the noise that would be generated from the proposed group child care facility. The second issue raised relate to the increased traffic volumes in the area and use of adjacent on-street parking spaces for drop-offs and pick-up.
Who we Heard From
As the number or responses was fewer than 10, demographic data is not being provided in consideration of confidentiality and privacy.
Consultation has concluded