812 Twentieth Street

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Consultation has concluded

Existing commercial unit for proposed retail liquor store.

Project Update, April 2024: At its meeting on April 8, 2024, New Westminster City Council gave three readings to the Zoning Amendment Bylaw. Click here to access the report to Council.

What's being proposed?

An application for a Zoning Bylaw amendment has been received for 812 Twentieth Street. The proposal is for a site-specific text amendment to the Local Commercial (C-1) zone to allow a private, stand-alone retail liquor store on the subject site. The use would be located within the existing commercial retail unit on the property, and modifications would include interior building alterations.

Since the proponent is seeking to relocate an existing retail liquor store license to the subject property, this Zoning Bylaw amendment application is being reviewed concurrently with a Transfer of Location application to the Province.

How can I engage?

City-led consultation included an online survey, which was open for participation from August 30 and September 20, 2023. Residents located within 100 metres of the project were notified of the survey, and an invitation to participate was also posted in the New West Record.

A total of 20 survey responses were received, which voiced a mix of support and opposition for the project (55% felt that the use would fit well or somewhat well/neutral, and 45% felt that the use would not fit well). Key themes gathered during public consultation are summarized in the table below and all feedback received can be accessed here.

Feedback in Favour of the Proposal
Feedback Counter to the Proposal
Potential to bring more shoppers to the areaPossibility of more vehicle traffic
May assist neighbouring businesses by attracting more foot trafficPerception of decreased safety/increased disruption in area and/or rear lane

Safety Concerns and Experiences with Existing Stores

Neither the City nor New Westminster Police have had complaints or concerns with any of the existing private retail liquor stores to date.

Parking and Traffic 

Since there is no additional floor space proposed on-site and the proposed use remains as commercial, City bylaws do not require additional parking to be added to the site. Existing parking is currently located at the rear of the existing commercial building. The proposal has been reviewed by Engineering Services and Transportation Division staff and no requirements or comments were noted.

Existing commercial unit for proposed retail liquor store.

Project Update, April 2024: At its meeting on April 8, 2024, New Westminster City Council gave three readings to the Zoning Amendment Bylaw. Click here to access the report to Council.

What's being proposed?

An application for a Zoning Bylaw amendment has been received for 812 Twentieth Street. The proposal is for a site-specific text amendment to the Local Commercial (C-1) zone to allow a private, stand-alone retail liquor store on the subject site. The use would be located within the existing commercial retail unit on the property, and modifications would include interior building alterations.

Since the proponent is seeking to relocate an existing retail liquor store license to the subject property, this Zoning Bylaw amendment application is being reviewed concurrently with a Transfer of Location application to the Province.

How can I engage?

City-led consultation included an online survey, which was open for participation from August 30 and September 20, 2023. Residents located within 100 metres of the project were notified of the survey, and an invitation to participate was also posted in the New West Record.

A total of 20 survey responses were received, which voiced a mix of support and opposition for the project (55% felt that the use would fit well or somewhat well/neutral, and 45% felt that the use would not fit well). Key themes gathered during public consultation are summarized in the table below and all feedback received can be accessed here.

Feedback in Favour of the Proposal
Feedback Counter to the Proposal
Potential to bring more shoppers to the areaPossibility of more vehicle traffic
May assist neighbouring businesses by attracting more foot trafficPerception of decreased safety/increased disruption in area and/or rear lane

Safety Concerns and Experiences with Existing Stores

Neither the City nor New Westminster Police have had complaints or concerns with any of the existing private retail liquor stores to date.

Parking and Traffic 

Since there is no additional floor space proposed on-site and the proposed use remains as commercial, City bylaws do not require additional parking to be added to the site. Existing parking is currently located at the rear of the existing commercial building. The proposal has been reviewed by Engineering Services and Transportation Division staff and no requirements or comments were noted.

Consultation has concluded

Have a question about 812 Twentieth Street? Add it here and we will aim to reply within five business days. For more complex questions or multiple queries, the response process may require additional time as we prepare a comprehensive answer. In these cases, we will aim to get back to you within 10 business days and kindly request your patience as we do so. If we think your question would be of interest to others, we'll post your question and our response here. Thanks!

  • Share What will the parking be like? The alley behind the proposed liquor store is busy as people use it to bypass the traffic on 20th Street. Won't putting the liquor store here make this busy area busier? It's getting dangerous to even walk in that alley as cars come down it so fast. on Facebook Share What will the parking be like? The alley behind the proposed liquor store is busy as people use it to bypass the traffic on 20th Street. Won't putting the liquor store here make this busy area busier? It's getting dangerous to even walk in that alley as cars come down it so fast. on Twitter Share What will the parking be like? The alley behind the proposed liquor store is busy as people use it to bypass the traffic on 20th Street. Won't putting the liquor store here make this busy area busier? It's getting dangerous to even walk in that alley as cars come down it so fast. on Linkedin Email What will the parking be like? The alley behind the proposed liquor store is busy as people use it to bypass the traffic on 20th Street. Won't putting the liquor store here make this busy area busier? It's getting dangerous to even walk in that alley as cars come down it so fast. link

    What will the parking be like? The alley behind the proposed liquor store is busy as people use it to bypass the traffic on 20th Street. Won't putting the liquor store here make this busy area busier? It's getting dangerous to even walk in that alley as cars come down it so fast.

    Kaur asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question and feedback regarding the proposal at 812 Twentieth Street. There is currently parking behind the commercial units on the site. As the existing commercial building would continue to be used for commercial uses and no additional floor space is proposed, the Zoning Bylaw does not require additional parking to be provided.

    This area is covered by the Connaught Heights Traffic Calming Plan (2018), with proposed measures intended to enhance the safety and livability of the overall Connaught Heights neighbourhood over time. The City has also recently launched a visioning process for the future of the 22nd Street Station Area, with community engagement currently underway. For more information and to participate in the engagement process, please visit the Bold Vision for 22nd Street Station Area Be Heard project page.