501 Fourth Avenue & 408 Fifth Street (Holy Eucharist Cathedral)

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Rendering of proposed project

What's being proposed?

Applications for an Official Community Plan Amendment and a Heritage Revitalization Agreement have been received for 501 Fourth Avenue and 408 Fifth Street; four lots which currently make up the Holy Eucharist Cathedral, rectory, and parking. The site is located on the western edge of the Queen’s Park neighbourhood, adjacent to the Sixth Street commercial district. The applications propose to:

  • Retain, restore, and protect the cathedral, and expand related functions;
  • Increase the on-site, non-profit childcare facilities from 22 to 49 spaces; and
  • Create 25 new secured market rental housing units, in a mix of unit sizes.

The above would be accommodated through the construction of a six-storey, low-rise building on the west of the site (transitioning down to one-storey) and a two-storey residential building on the north of the site. Parking for the entire site would be primarily below the low-rise building. The overall project would have a density of roughly 1.39 floor space ratio (FSR).

Click here to view architectural drawings of the proposed development.

Click here to view landscape drawings of the proposed development.

How can I engage?

There are multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process typically includes applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process is iterative and revisions are considered, based on consultation feedback, throughout the process.

Applicant-led Engagement

The applicants hosted a virtual Open House with a live Q&A session on May 25, 2022 and written feedback was accepted until June 8, 2022. The applicants also held an in-person Open House on May 28, 2022 at the Church Hall of The Holy Eucharist Cathedral. The next round of consultation is through the City committee review process. Following this, the next opportunity to provide feedback on this project will be at the Public Hearing for which a date has not yet been set.

City staff has summarized the feedback received during the applicant-led consultation, with the primary comments expressed relating to the following:

  • Mixed support for the proposed conversation work for the existing Cathedral.
  • Mixed feedback regarding the architectural design.
  • Concerns about increased traffic and noise in the neighborhood.
  • Concerns about density of the project.

What's being proposed?

Applications for an Official Community Plan Amendment and a Heritage Revitalization Agreement have been received for 501 Fourth Avenue and 408 Fifth Street; four lots which currently make up the Holy Eucharist Cathedral, rectory, and parking. The site is located on the western edge of the Queen’s Park neighbourhood, adjacent to the Sixth Street commercial district. The applications propose to:

  • Retain, restore, and protect the cathedral, and expand related functions;
  • Increase the on-site, non-profit childcare facilities from 22 to 49 spaces; and
  • Create 25 new secured market rental housing units, in a mix of unit sizes.

The above would be accommodated through the construction of a six-storey, low-rise building on the west of the site (transitioning down to one-storey) and a two-storey residential building on the north of the site. Parking for the entire site would be primarily below the low-rise building. The overall project would have a density of roughly 1.39 floor space ratio (FSR).

Click here to view architectural drawings of the proposed development.

Click here to view landscape drawings of the proposed development.

How can I engage?

There are multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback through the application review process. The process typically includes applicant-led consultation and review by City committees. The review process is iterative and revisions are considered, based on consultation feedback, throughout the process.

Applicant-led Engagement

The applicants hosted a virtual Open House with a live Q&A session on May 25, 2022 and written feedback was accepted until June 8, 2022. The applicants also held an in-person Open House on May 28, 2022 at the Church Hall of The Holy Eucharist Cathedral. The next round of consultation is through the City committee review process. Following this, the next opportunity to provide feedback on this project will be at the Public Hearing for which a date has not yet been set.

City staff has summarized the feedback received during the applicant-led consultation, with the primary comments expressed relating to the following:

  • Mixed support for the proposed conversation work for the existing Cathedral.
  • Mixed feedback regarding the architectural design.
  • Concerns about increased traffic and noise in the neighborhood.
  • Concerns about density of the project.

Do you have a question about Holy Eucharist Cathedral?

Have a question about the Holy Eucharist Cathedral? Add it here and we will aim to reply within five business days. For more complex questions or multiple queries, the response process may require additional time as we prepare a comprehensive answer. In these cases, we will aim to get back to you within 10 business days and kindly request your patience as we do so. If we think your question would be of interest to others, we'll post your question and our response here. Thanks!

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  • Share Great and very well needed options thank you! on Facebook Share Great and very well needed options thank you! on Twitter Share Great and very well needed options thank you! on Linkedin Email Great and very well needed options thank you! link

    Great and very well needed options thank you!

    Mtr asked about 1 year ago

    Thank you for your feedback. All feedback received will be summarized and provided to Council in a forthcoming report as part of their consideration of the project.

  • Share What are the potential uses for the mixed-use 5 storey building? I'm thinking it sounds like office space. Would retail also be in there? Grocers, cafes, etc... What about bike parking? Would it be possible to include a safer crosswalk with the project? The city could pitch in with a raised cross walk to increase safety both for ordinary road users and for users of the child-care center. All in all this project sounds fantastic, especially the market-rental units. Would it be possible to change the market rental units for social housing, or to include a couple of social-housing units among the 14? Something like 10 market rentals, 4 social housing or something of the sort. Thanks. on Facebook Share What are the potential uses for the mixed-use 5 storey building? I'm thinking it sounds like office space. Would retail also be in there? Grocers, cafes, etc... What about bike parking? Would it be possible to include a safer crosswalk with the project? The city could pitch in with a raised cross walk to increase safety both for ordinary road users and for users of the child-care center. All in all this project sounds fantastic, especially the market-rental units. Would it be possible to change the market rental units for social housing, or to include a couple of social-housing units among the 14? Something like 10 market rentals, 4 social housing or something of the sort. Thanks. on Twitter Share What are the potential uses for the mixed-use 5 storey building? I'm thinking it sounds like office space. Would retail also be in there? Grocers, cafes, etc... What about bike parking? Would it be possible to include a safer crosswalk with the project? The city could pitch in with a raised cross walk to increase safety both for ordinary road users and for users of the child-care center. All in all this project sounds fantastic, especially the market-rental units. Would it be possible to change the market rental units for social housing, or to include a couple of social-housing units among the 14? Something like 10 market rentals, 4 social housing or something of the sort. Thanks. on Linkedin Email What are the potential uses for the mixed-use 5 storey building? I'm thinking it sounds like office space. Would retail also be in there? Grocers, cafes, etc... What about bike parking? Would it be possible to include a safer crosswalk with the project? The city could pitch in with a raised cross walk to increase safety both for ordinary road users and for users of the child-care center. All in all this project sounds fantastic, especially the market-rental units. Would it be possible to change the market rental units for social housing, or to include a couple of social-housing units among the 14? Something like 10 market rentals, 4 social housing or something of the sort. Thanks. link

    What are the potential uses for the mixed-use 5 storey building? I'm thinking it sounds like office space. Would retail also be in there? Grocers, cafes, etc... What about bike parking? Would it be possible to include a safer crosswalk with the project? The city could pitch in with a raised cross walk to increase safety both for ordinary road users and for users of the child-care center. All in all this project sounds fantastic, especially the market-rental units. Would it be possible to change the market rental units for social housing, or to include a couple of social-housing units among the 14? Something like 10 market rentals, 4 social housing or something of the sort. Thanks.

    Effigy asked over 2 years ago

    Hello, thank you for your questions and feedback. The uses proposed for the five storey mixed use building include non-profit daycare space for 74 children on levels two and three, and 10 secured market rental residential units on levels four and five. The building's lobby as well as community assembly space are proposed on the main floor at the front of the mixed-use building. 

    Bike parking would be provided in the underground parkade, at the entrance to the mixed-use building along Fourth Avenue, as well as at the eastern entrance to the development along Fifth Street.  Staff are working with the applicant to ensure the number of short-term and long-term bike parking stalls meet Section 150 of the Zoning Bylaw. 

    The project proposes to include a crosswalk at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and the new lane to the west of the site to enhance the visibility and safety of the pedestrian crossing. Staff will continue to work with the applicant on the provision of pedestrian crossing improvements on Fourth Avenue and Fifth Street to provide  for safer pedestrian crossing and refuge. This design coordination work will continue into the Building Permit stage of the project, should the proposal be approved by Council.

    Below market housing units were explored with the applicant early in the process, however, they were not feasible considering the number of other Council priorities addressed by this proposal, including the preservation of the existing cathedral and provision of non-profit daycare spaces, the proposed 14 secured market rental housing units. The proposed rental housing units are consistent with the intent of the City's Secured Market Rental Policy which encourages growth in the supply of rental housing in New Westminster, while also ensuring security of the tenure of those units over time.

Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024, 02:05 PM