Recommended Designs Details
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We heard your priorities and preferences for upgrades to the Rotary Crosstown Greenway, and a new cycling connection to New Westminster Secondary School (NWSS), during the first round of engagement last fall.
The project team has now developed the recommended designs using what was heard from public and stakeholder engagement in the fall of 2021, along with a comprehensive technical analysis.
Rotary Crosstown Greenway
The greenway upgrades project is designed to improve safety, comfort, and accessibility on the section of the existing Rotary Crosstown Greenway along Seventh Avenue between Eighth Street and Fifth Street. These upgrades will replace the interim bike lanes installed on Seventh Avenue in 2017.
The recommended design is based on option 2 from the first round of engagement, which involves providing one-way protected bicycle lanes on each side of the street that are physically separated from vehicle traffic. The recommended design includes the following key design features:
A. A reconstructed sidewalk along the south side of Seventh Avenue to improve walking and accessibility
B. Wider and realigned protected bicycle lanes with physical protection from vehicles that avoid the jogs in the current bicycle lanes due to the existing utility poles
C. Safety improvements at driveways along the corridor, including green conflict-zone markings, continuous raised sidewalk and bicycle lane across driveways on the south side of Seventh Avenue, and curb extensions on the south side to improve visibility
D. Landscaping and seating at several locations on this section of the greenway
E. Intersection improvements on Seventh Avenue at Fifth Street, Sixth Street and Eighth
F. On-street parking maintained along the south side of Seventh Avenue (parking removed on north side)
G. Two loading zones maintained on the north side of Seventh Avenue
H. Mid-Block Crosswalk on Seventh Avenue with raised crossing to provide safe crossing opportunity
Graphic of Full Recommended Design
Graphics of Recommended Design Enlarged Section by Section
New Westminster Secondary School Cycling Connector
The New Westminster Secondary School (NWSS) Cycling Connector project will link Seventh Avenue to the east entrance of the new school on Sixth Street, enabling students, staff, and visitors to conveniently and safely cycle, wheel or walk to the school from the east and the south.
The recommended design is based on a route along Sixth Street, with on-street protected bicycle lanes. This connection will be constructed primarily with lower cost, durable, and flexible materials.
Key features of the design include:
A. Protected bicycle lanes with physical protection from vehicles using low-cost, durable, and adjustable materials
B. New bus stop designs to provide a safe waiting area for transit users
C. Addition of new curb extension and crosswalk at Hamilton Street and Sixth Street
D. Intersection improvements on Sixth Street at Eighth Avenue and at Seventh Avenue
E. Removal of the bus stop on Sixth Street approximately 15 meters north of Seventh Avenue
Graphic of Full Recommended Design
Graphics of Recommended Design Enlarged Version Section by Section
Consultation has concluded