Sixth Street Public Realm - Project Overview

November 2021

Changes are coming on Sixth Street in Uptown! This project will reimagine Sixth Street between Sixth Avenue and Belmont Street to orient the street more clearly toward the public realm and walking, with more flexible uses of Sixth Street and its edges, as well as improving accessibility.

Proposed features include widened sidewalks, improved lighting, more seating, temporary road closures for special events, and a “pedestrian scramble” at 6th Street and 6th Avenue that would see all vehicle traffic stopped while pedestrians can cross all-ways at once.

We are excited to hear your feedback on options and design details for the look and feel of Sixth Street.

This block of Sixth Street is centrally located in the heart of Uptown and takes direction from the vision set in the City of New Westminster’s Council-approved Uptown Streetscape Vision to create “a vibrant commercial district with a distinct identity, accessible and sustainable transportation, as well as inviting and engaging public spaces that are welcoming to all people." While initial plans for in-person consultation on the Uptown Streetscape Vision were postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, engagement with key stakeholders took place in June 2020. Click here to read the Uptown Streetscape Vision Key Stakeholder Engagement Summary Report.

Related to the Uptown Sixth Street Public Realm Improvements, the design process and public engagement for the Uptown Active Transportation Improvements were launched earlier this fall. This project includes upgrades to one section of the Rotary Crosstown Greenway, and a new cycling connector to New Westminster Secondary School. Find out more at the Be Heard page here.

Both the Sixth Street Public Realm Improvements and the Uptown Active Transportation Improvements align with the City’s Master Transportation Plan goals and Seven Bold Steps for Climate Action - specifically, Car-light Community, Quality People-Centred Public Realm, and Robust Urban Forest.

Project Update: January 17, 2022: A detailed summary of the public engagement about Sixth Street has been posted to the Documents section of this page. CLICK HERE for a direct link. You can see:

  • The overall level of support for the Sixth Street Public Realm Improvements design concept;
  • Which proposed design features are the most important to participants; and
  • How well participants feel the design concept will achieve important outcomes such as inclusivity, vibrancy and animation, provision of public spaces and amenities, flexibility of non-vehicles, and a positive look and feel.

The verbatim feedback is also available for you to review by CLICKING HERE.

A Snapshot of what we heard through the online survey, pop-up events, stakeholder focus groups, stakeholder meetings, and the online question and answer tool has also been posted to the Newsfeed. CLICK HERE for a direct link.

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Consultation has concluded
